Wired controller blinking while Xbox is off

The home-button of my wired Xbox controller is blinking, even though my Xbox 360 is turned off. I've searched around a bit and found out the blinking of wireless controllers is a sign that the battery of the controller is low. But, since my controller is wired, this can't be the issue. What is the reason my controller blinks?

Note that it's not always blinking. Sometimes when the Xbox is off, my button doesn't blink. That's what makes it even more confusing for me.

Solution 1:

I have seen this several times myself as well. Is your Xbox360 hooked to your TV with an HDMI cable? If so, on several occasions I have tried to turn on my Xbox without having the TV on previous to the attempt and my controller does the same thing. My hypothesis is that someone or something accidentally bumped your controllers home button and it is trying to turn the console on without the TV being on, which the console will not do for some reason, thus causing your Xbox controller to blink even though the console is in fact turned off.(Note that this may be possible even with the normal cable hook-ups, I just don't use mine so I can't say for certain.)

Solution 2:

That could be an indication of a faulty controller, or it could indicate that the controller is looking for the Xbox and cannot find/connect to it, so the wiring might be faulty. Have you tried actually playing games/does the controller work correctly?

Try this solution: When the xbox is on and the controller is plugged in, try separating the cord (at the middle thing where it disconnects). One user in this forum post said doing that was successful.

Edit: Adding more possible solutions

Potential solution 1

Potential solution 2

Potential solution 3

Potential solution 4

If all else fails, call customer support, good luck!

Solution 3:

Is your 360 set to download even while off? This sounds like what mine does when I have it off but it's still downloading - the ring on the front that shows what controllers are connected blinks intermittently. Since I use wireless controllers, I never noticed this same thing happening there, but it could just be an indicator that extends out to the controller.

If it's not disturbing your gameplay or a sign that something is wrong (which, it sounds like everything still works fine), then you can 1) just unplug it when you're not using it 2) see if it happens with another controller/cable combo 3) pay M$ or someone else to "repair" it, although it sounds like it's not an issue worth paying for tbqh.

Solution 4:

It means your Xbox is hot letting you know system fan is still on to cool it down