how to Extract multiple OU name using Powershell's Get-ADOrganizationUnit & Get-ADComputer

In AD hostnames are created under location OU, inside location OU under computer sub OU. i need a script to extract both OU in excel. i am able to extract one OU details through below scrpit

Get-ADComputer -filter * -Properties ipv4Address, OperatingSystem,DistinguishedName |
    select-object Name, ipv4Address, OperatingSystem,

i need help to extract main OU details please help

Solution 1:

If you want all OUs in the path, you can use a regex pattern to extract them.

[regex]$pattern = '(?<=OU=)(.+?)(?=,\w{2}=)'

$searchbase = 'OU=Company,DC=Domain,DC=LOCAL'

$properties = 'Name',
              @{n='OU';e={$pattern.Matches($_.DistinguishedName).Value -join ', '}}

$adparams = @{
    Filter     = '*'
    Searchbase = $searchbase
    Properties = 'ipv4Address',

Get-ADComputer @adparams |
    Select-Object $properties

If you're after just the OU above computers, then something like this may work.

[regex]$pattern = '(?<=OU=)(.+?)(?=,\w{2}=)'

$searchbase = 'OU=Company,DC=Domain,DC=LOCAL'

$properties = 'Name',

$adparams = @{
    Filter     = '*'
    Searchbase = $searchbase
    Properties = 'ipv4Address',

Get-ADComputer @adparams |
    Select-Object $properties