What legitimate reason would an IT Admin have for requesting a user's password to setup a new laptop with Windows 10?

The IT admin person where I work is currently setting up a new laptop for me and they've asked for my user password so they can finish the job. I'm obviously uncomfortable with that.

I suspect not, but is there any reasonable reason to need this information from me? And if not, is there a plausible reason why an inexperienced admin might prefer to just log in as me?

Solution 1:

This is a common error some IT do by lacking to explain why.

If the request is authentic, an actual laptop change.

Technically speaking he could just change your password and give it to you when the job is done.

In COVID Time if working from home it might break your VPN ressource if the IT change it.

The best way of action is to change it yourself and give a temporary password to them.

He possibly want to setup all your app and copy back your data under your own username.

If working from home, that will allow your profile to be cached too before he ship the laptop