Detect if range is empty

I want to check if a range in Excel is empty.

How do I write in VBA code:

If Range("A38":"P38") is empty

Found a solution from the comments I got.

Sub TestIsEmpty()
    If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A38:P38")) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Empty"
        MsgBox "Not Empty"
    End If
End Sub

If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t use CountA then it's much faster to first store your range as an array and loop on the array data than it is to loop on range/cell data.

Function IsRangeEmpty(ByVal rng As Range) As Boolean
    'Converts a range to an array and returns true if a value is found in said array
    Dim area As Range
    For Each area In rng.Areas
        If area.Cells.Count > 1 Then
            'save range as array
            Dim arr As Variant
            arr = area.value
            'loop through array
            Dim cel As Variant
            For Each cel In arr
                'if cell is not empty then
                If Len(Trim(cel)) > 0 Then
                    IsRangeEmpty = False
                    Exit Function
                End If

            Next cel
        Else    'cannot loop on array with one value
            'if cell is not empty then
            If Len(Trim(area.Value2)) > 0 Then
                IsRangeEmpty = False
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If

    Next area

    IsRangeEmpty = True

End Function

Example of how to use it:

Sub Test()
    Debug.Print IsRangeEmpty(Range("A38:P38"))
End Sub

If Range("A38:P38") is empty, it would print True in the Immediate Window; otherwise it'd print False.

IsEmpty returns True if the variable is uninitialized, or is explicitly set to Empty; otherwise, it returns False. False is always returned if expression contains more than one variable. IsEmpty only returns meaningful information for variants. ( . So you must check every cell in range separately:

    Dim thisColumn as Byte, thisRow as Byte

    For thisColumn = 1 To 5
        For ThisRow = 1 To 6
             If IsEmpty(Cells(thisRow, thisColumn)) = False Then
                 GoTo RangeIsNotEmpty
             End If
        Next thisRow
    Next thisColumn

Of course here are more code than in solution with CountA function which count not empty cells, but GoTo can interupt loops if at least one not empty cell is found and do your code faster especially if range is large and you need to detect this case. Also this code for me is easier to understand what it is doing, than with Excel CountA function which is not VBA function.