CSS3 box-sizing: margin-box; Why not?

Why don't we have box-sizing: margin-box;? Usually when we put box-sizing: border-box; in our style sheets we really mean the former.


Let's say I have a 2 column page layout. Both columns have a width of 50%, but they look kind of ugly because there's no gutter (gap in the middle); Below is the CSS:

.col2 {
    width: 50%;
    float: left;

To apply a gutter you might think we could just set a right margin on the first of the 2 columns; something like this:

.col2:first-child {
    margin-right: 24px;

But this would make the second column wrap onto a new line, because the following is true:

50% + 50% + 24px > 100%

box-sizing: margin-box; would solve this issue by including margin in the calculated width of the element. I would find this very useful if not more useful than box-sizing: border-box;.

Solution 1:

Couldn't you use width: calc(50% - 24px); for your cols? Then set your margins.

Solution 2:

I think we could have a box-sizing: margin-box. The css box model shows exactly, what are the positions of the margins of the frames.

There are minor problems - for example, the margin boxes can overlap - but they aren't hard to solve.

I think, the situation is the same, as we can see with the overflow-x & overflow-y combinations, with the absolut positionied divs in table-cells, with the combination of min|max-width|height with the box-sizing, and so on.

There are features, really simple features, which the browser developers simply doesn't develop.

IMHO, box-sizing: margin-box were a very useful feature. Another useful feature were the box-sizing: padding-box, it exists at least in the standard, but it wasn't implemented in any of the major browsers. Not even in the newest chrome!

Note: @Oriol 's comment: Firefox did implement box-sizing: padding-box. But others didn't, and it was removed from the spec. Firefox will remove it in version 50. Sad.