Create a folder and sub folder in Excel VBA
I have a pull down menu of companies that is populated by a list on another sheet. Three columns, Company, Job #, and Part Number.
When a job is created I need a folder for said company and a sub-folder for said Part Number.
If you go down the path it would look like:
C:\Images\Company Name\Part Number\
If either company name or Part number exists don't create, or overwrite the old one. Just go to next step. So if both folders exist nothing happens, if one or both don't exist create as required.
Another question is there a way to make it so it works on Macs and PCs the same?
Another simple version working on PC:
Sub CreateDir(strPath As String)
Dim elm As Variant
Dim strCheckPath As String
strCheckPath = ""
For Each elm In Split(strPath, "\")
strCheckPath = strCheckPath & elm & "\"
If Len(Dir(strCheckPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir strCheckPath
End Sub
One sub and two functions. The sub builds your path and use the functions to check if the path exists and create if not. If the full path exists already, it will just pass on by. This will work on PC, but you will have to check what needs to be modified to work on Mac as well.
'requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Sub MakeFolder()
Dim strComp As String, strPart As String, strPath As String
strComp = Range("A1") ' assumes company name in A1
strPart = CleanName(Range("C1")) ' assumes part in C1
strPath = "C:\Images\"
If Not FolderExists(strPath & strComp) Then
'company doesn't exist, so create full path
FolderCreate strPath & strComp & "\" & strPart
'company does exist, but does part folder
If Not FolderExists(strPath & strComp & "\" & strPart) Then
FolderCreate strPath & strComp & "\" & strPart
End If
End If
End Sub
Function FolderCreate(ByVal path As String) As Boolean
FolderCreate = True
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
If Functions.FolderExists(path) Then
Exit Function
On Error GoTo DeadInTheWater
fso.CreateFolder path ' could there be any error with this, like if the path is really screwed up?
Exit Function
End If
MsgBox "A folder could not be created for the following path: " & path & ". Check the path name and try again."
FolderCreate = False
Exit Function
End Function
Function FolderExists(ByVal path As String) As Boolean
FolderExists = False
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
If fso.FolderExists(path) Then FolderExists = True
End Function
Function CleanName(strName as String) as String
'will clean part # name so it can be made into valid folder name
'may need to add more lines to get rid of other characters
CleanName = Replace(strName, "/","")
CleanName = Replace(CleanName, "*","")
End Function