Booting a Debian Live ISO on QEMU


A server:

  • access only via SSH (no physical access, no KVM)
  • a netboot OS (Debian/Jessie)
  • 3 x 2T HDD
  • 16G RAM

Final goal:

Building a ZFS pool with the local HDD and install Debian on a ZFS root, the netboot OS is missing packages to install ZFS via apt, that's why I want to boot a Live Debian.


  1. I wget the debian-live-11.0.0-amd64-standard.iso on /tmp
  2. I installed QEMU (via apt) and the plethora of options confuses me (I am discovering it). My most advanced attempt is this:
qemu-system-x86_64 -curses -net nic -net user -m 1024M
    -drive file=/tmp/11-live-amd64-std.iso,media=cdrom -boot c

The -curses option gives a correct result with an install iso, when the 640 x 480 Graphic mode message appears, I use <esc> to access the boot: menu of grub and I pass it the install vga=normal fb=false options and it goes (screenshot)

But with the Live iso, it doesn't work (screenshot)

These are my questions:

  1. Did I miss any QEMU option(s) to display the output that is not supposed to be graphical with this standard iso?
  2. Do I need to configure my live iso with (e.g.) a GRUB in console mode?
  3. Will I not be able to configure the port forwarding of QEMU to access the console via SSH or telnet?
  4. Is there any other solution (without QEMU)?

Thanks in advance

Solution 1:

I fix this issue by using -vnc & -nographic options.

Here the final command:

qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -net nic -net user -m 1024M -drive file=/tmp/11-live-amd64-std.iso,media=cdrom -boot c -vnc :0

With this, the machine is reachable with a VNC client.