Ansible: How to convert shell command output into items or variables

Solution 1:

For example

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ _key }} has a value {{ _val }}"
      loop: "{{ dblist.stdout_lines }}"
        _arr: "{{ item.split(':') }}"
        _key: "{{ _arr.0 }}"
        _val: "{{ _arr.1 }}"


  msg: inst1 has a value db1
  msg: inst1 has a value db2
  msg: inst1 has a value db3
  msg: inst2 has a value db4
  msg: inst2 has a value db3

Solution 2:

If you're on a new enough version (ansible-core>=2.11), you can use the split filter:

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ item.0 }} has a value {{ item.1 }}"
      loop: "{{ dblist.stdout_lines | map('split', ':') }}"

It's possible to achieve a similar result on older versions, but it's uglier:

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ item.0 }} has a value {{ item.1 }}"
      loop: "{{ dblist.stdout_lines }}"
        loop_var: _item
        item: "{{ _item.split(':') }}"