Did I just solve the Navier-Stokes Millennium Problem?

I think I may have just solved a Millennium Problem. I found an exact 3D solution to Navier-Stokes equations that has a finite time singularity. The velocity, pressure, and force are all spatially periodic. The solution has a time singularity at t=T, where T is greater than zero and less than infinity.

I think it's correct, but I may have overlooked something. I don't have a Phd, but I'm not a complete noob. I have a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I posted it on vixra because I'm not endorsed on arxiv. Is the counterexample correct? thanks.


Nice try! But I think it likely there is no singularity at $t=T$ as you claim. The function $$g(x)=\arctan\left(\frac{\sqrt2}2 \tan x\right)$$ has derivative $$g'(x) = \frac{2\sqrt 2}{3+\cos^2x -\sin^2 x},$$ with no blowup at $x=\pi/2$ as you might think.

A result of Constantin and Fefferman from 1993 shows that if the direction of the vorticity remains smooth (Lipschitz is enough), then a Navier-Stokes solution cannot blow up. This also appears to rule out your solution as a counterexample.