I-beam cursor color in Mavericks's terminal
Solution 1:
As many have mentioned above, I did this -
Take a backup of existing ShadowedIBeam.tiff
cp Terminal.app/Contents/Resources/ShadowedIBeam.tiff Terminal.app/Contents/Resources/ShadowedIBeam.orig.tiff
Make your own cursor .... or, if you are a lazy one, just use this one - (credit: Chris Dragon and his answer on this thread)
Then copy it over the original ShadowedIBeam.tiff
sudo cp ~/Downloads/TIbeam.tiff Terminal.app/Contents/Resources/ShadowedIBeam.tiff
And finally, run this -
defaults write com.apple.Terminal UseCustomIBeamCursor -bool YES
If you were as lucky as I was, you should have your eyes profusely thanking you in sheer gratitude!
Solution 2:
It looks like it was possible before Mavericks by editing
I've tried changing that file, but it is never reflected in Terminal. I'd love to change this as I have a dark background color too.