Photos Shared Album sort order

There is not really a way to sort a shared album by date taken. I don't think that will be a feature because Apple is trying to make it like Instagram where the posts pop up in the order they were shared and not the date they were taken.

You cannot reorder in iCloud. You can copy all the pictures to a new album and sort by date. You can then create a new shared album from that album and it will be sorted bt date since it is one upload. Awkward but it works.

It's not possible in the MacOS version of Photos as far as I can see, but in the iPhone version, you can do it by opening the album and clicking the three dots the top right corner. From the menu now select "Sort" and then the type of sort you'd like to perform. I imagine this would work on iPad as well.

Update: Turns out that this only works for the device on which it's done. Other devices does not see this sorting unfortunately.