Bulk activate product keys in Steam

Solution 1:

There is no official way to do this, but I wrote a simple script for Mac, that does exactly that: https://github.com/timothybasanov/steamkeysactivator

Script uses AppleScript and could not be ported to Windows or Linux.

Solution 2:

The Steam client is the only way to activate a Steam product key, and they only allow you to enter one product key at a time.

With some Humble Bundles, the keys are actually for a package of games, and not given individually, although the current bundle (Humble Bundle with Android 5) does not seem to give keys in this fashion.

You could potentially automate the process with some 3rd party app, although you'd have to be aware that the key authentication process can take a variable amount of time. Also, the games default to being installed immediately, which might not be what you want.

Solution 3:

For Windows, there's now the Steam Bulk Key Activator, which will read a text file of keys and plug them all in for you. You'd have to copy the keys out of the webpage yourself, but it still saves the tediousness of the Steam aspect of it.

Solution 4:

SteamBulkKeyActivatorScript - Right Click, Save As. Run with AHK

For windows only, uses Autohotkey(AHK) to automate the steam interactions. I've fixed the problems in it so far. You must download the AHK source. The exe's aren't compiled with the latest version. You will need to install Autohotkey to make it run from the source.

I just tested it with a dozen keys and as of this posts modified date, it's fully functional.

Credit to original author

You can use chocolatey to install AHK as well (at least after you've installed chocolatey).

choco install autohotkey

Solution 5:

Augmented Steam Browser Extension Register Key(s) Page

The Steam Register Key page (available only if you're logged in) offers just an input field to enter a single key. However, the Augmented Steam Browser extension adds an "Activate Multiple Products" button, opening a new input field in which you can enter multiple keys, one per line.

Single-Key Auto-fill

The key input field can be auto-filled by by appending a key= parameter to the URL, e.g.,


However, this is not entirely automatic; the user will still need to click the "Continue" button in the page brought up by this URL.

If you're redeeming Humble Bundle keys, exposing the key now shows both the key and a button that will open the above URL in a new tab, so you need only click that and "Continue" for each key.

Multi-key Auto-fill

The above URL can also be used for multiple product codes, though it's not quite as user-friendly. Concatenate the multiple keys in the key= parameter with a comma between them, e.g. key=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX,YYYYY-YYYYY-YYYY. This will fill the single-key input box with the comma-separated keys. This cannot be accepted as a submission ("Continue" will produce an error), but if you then push the "Activate Multiple Products" button you'll find the full contents of that field in the multi-line input box with each value on its own line, and you can submit that in the normal way by clicking "Activate Products."