Where can I find the right combination for these pillars in Shroud Hearth Barrow?

I'm in Shroud Heart Barrow and encountered the infamous pillars, but I have no idea where the solution is to be found.

enter image description here

Any suggestions on how to continue?

Solution 1:

Take a look at this video from youtube: Shroud Hearth Barrow. The interesting part starts around 6:00. The door from the screenshot seems unlocked, and in the room behind that door is the answer. The right combination from left to right is: "Whale, Hawk, Snake, Whale". This will lower the bridge.

Solution 2:

If there is a body on top of the trigger which drops the bridge, the bridge won't drop. Try using shout to move any bodies off of the trigger if the bridge won't drop even with the correct combination.

Solution 3:

Go through door at the top of ramp. Kill that guy. Stand on activation trigger. All the stones will start to rotate. Keep stepping on the activator until all symbols can be seen. Only one symbol can be seen at a time.