Is it possible to make Ejecter working on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS?

Previous versions of Ubuntu had nice looking application called Ejecter:

Description: application to unmount easily and safely external devices Ejecter is a simple menu that sits in the system notification area, providing you a quick way to unmount an external peripheral such as USB pendrive, CD/DVD disk, external hard disk and so. . Ejecter will sleep behind the scenes and show an icon in the system tray when one or more devices are connected to your computer.

It places its icon in notification area and allow to detach USB-device as in MS Windows. See screenshots (from here):

Ejecter active Ejecter did safely remove

But is was removed from repositories since 14.04 LTS.

Is it possible to make Ejecter working on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS?

Preferable I need solution for MATE DE.

Other methods (but out-the-box)

Disk Mounter applet

As @DKBose has noted, on Ubuntu MATE you can use other method.
All current versions have Disk Mounter applet (from mate-applets package):

Disk Mounter applet

it is very compact on the MATE Panel Disk Mounter applet on mate-panel and
allows to mount, unmount and eject media: Disk Mounter applet options

Note: Disk Mounter applet does not spin-off (spin-down) USB HDDs.


Standard MATE file-manager (Caja) allows to Eject, Unmount, and (for some devices) to Safely Remove Drive from Devices section

Caja Devices

and from drop-down menu:

Caja Device drop-down menu

and from desktop:

Eject or Safely remove from desktop (maintained by Caja)

Here Safely Remove Drive removes power from USB-flash (switches LED off) and spin-downs USB-HDD.


If other methods fail, then you can install gnome-disk-utility package and use GNOME Disks (gnome-disks executable) application to mount, unmount and power off the drive:

GNOME Disks to power off the drive

Ejecter (original problem)

Yes, it is possible. But we need to get some packages from 12.04 LTS repositories manually:

mkdir ~/Downloads/ejecter
cd ~/Downloads/ejecter

then for 14.04 LTS use

sudo dpkg -i --force-all *.deb
sudo apt-get install -f

or for 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS

sudo apt-get install ./*.deb

Then log-out and log-in again.

Connect USB-flash or HDD and you will get Ejecter icon in the notification area.

To eject the device click on the Ejecter icon, then on appropriate device name and it will be safely removed from the system.

Ejecter is alive Ejecter removed device

1. Ejecter does not spin-down external USB hard disks. Use GNOME Disks (gnome-disks or from Applications→Accessories→Disks) for this purpose.
2. This solution was tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (MATE, Unity and GNOME FlashBack) Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (MATE, Unity and GNOME FlashBack), Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (MATE, Unity, GNOME FlashBack, GNOME sHell).