what is the sense of final ArrayList?

But what is effect making it's final?

This means that you cannot rebind the variable to point to a different collection instance:

final List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Since `list' is final, this won't compile

As a matter of style, I declare most references that I don't intend to change as final.

I still can add to ArrayList new elements, remove elements and update it.

If you wish, you can prevent insertion, removal etc by using Collections.unmodifiableList():

final List<Integer> list = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<Integer>(...));

It just means that you can't re-assign its reference. Attempting to do something like the below will lead to compiler error.

final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

list = new LinkedList<String>();
     Compiler error here

If you really want an immutable list, you should use the Collections.unmodifiableList() method.