How to round up to the nearest 100 in JavaScript

I want to round up to the nearest 100 all the time whether or not the value is 101 or 199 it should round up to 200. For example:

var number = 1233;
//use something like Math.round() to round up to always 1300

I'd like to always round up to the nearest 100, never round down, using jQuery.

Use Math.ceil(), if you want to always round up:


To round up and down to the nearest 100 use Math.round:


round vs. ceil:

Math.round(60/100)*100 = 100 vs. Math.ceil(60/100)*100 = 100

Math.round(40/100)*100 = 0 vs. Math.ceil(40/100)*100 = 100

Math.round(-60/100)*100 = -100 vs. Math.ceil(-60/100)*100 = -0

Math.round(-40/100)*100 = -0 vs. Math.ceil(-40/100)*100 = -0

No part of this requires jQuery. Just use JavaScript's Math.ceil:

Math.ceil(x / 100) * 100

This is an easy way to do it:


Simplest solution would be:
