Automatically end each command in terminal with a different message or sound
Create a script and save it somewhere which contains your lines and the logic to choose a random line from your array and calling speech
command on that line:
array[0]="Shields at 90%"
array[1]="Engaging proton overdrive"
array[2]="Autopilot disengaged"
array[3]="Targetting solution available"
array[4]="Alert. Incoming missile."
array[5]="Deploying countermeasures."
array[6]="Firing torpedoes."
array[7]="Engaging auto-cannon."
array[8]="Severe damage on deck 17. Sealing off."
array[9]="Deploying repair droids to deck 17."
line=${array[$RANDOM % ${#array[@]}]}
speech "$line"
Then in your .bashrc
or .profile
Just replace the speech
with echo
to get a messge instead of the voice.
Later Edit Tutorial:
Thanks to Ravexina's answer above, now the problem is solved and the solution works fantastically. I will give step-by-step instructions below, for the other people interested to make it work in Ubuntu 18.04
1. Install SVOX pico2wave package:
sudo apt-get install libttspico0 libttspico-utils libttspico-data libsox-fmt-mp3
2. Create the speech script
cd ~/scripts
gedit speech
and put this content inside, inserting the correct user in the path:
pico2wave -l=en-US -w=/home/user/test.wav "$1"
aplay -q ~/test.wav
rm /home/user/test.wav
save and exit.
3. Create the script as indicated by Ravexina above:
gedit shell_speech
array[0]="Shields at 90%"
array[1]="Engaging proton overdrive"
array[2]="Autopilot disengaged"
array[3]="Targetting solution available"
array[4]="Alert. Incoming missile."
array[5]="Deploying countermeasures."
array[6]="Firing torpedoes."
array[7]="Engaging auto-cannon."
array[8]="Severe damage on deck 17. Sealing off."
array[9]="Deploying repair droids to deck 17."
line=${array[$RANDOM % ${#array[@]}]}
speech "$line"
save and exit.
4. Make the scripts executable and add their directory to PATH so that they could be called from everywhere:
chmod u+x ~/scripts/bin/speech
chmod u+x ~/scripts/bin/shell_speech
export PATH=$PATH:~/scripts
5. Modify .bashrc
gedit ~/.bashrc
add the following line:
PROMPT_COMMAND="bash shell_speech"
save and close
Note: you can add as many new lines as you want in the array in ~/scripts/bin/shell_speech