The Java idiom for function-pointer-like functionality is an an anonymous class implementing an interface, e.g.

Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<MyClass>(){
    public int compare(MyClass a, MyClass b)
        // compare objects

Update: the above is necessary in Java versions prior to Java 8. Now we have much nicer alternatives, namely lambdas:

list.sort((a, b) -> a.isGreaterThan(b));

and method references:


You can substitue a function pointer with an interface. Lets say you want to run through a collection and do something with each element.

public interface IFunction {
  public void execute(Object o);

This is the interface we could pass to some say CollectionUtils2.doFunc(Collection c, IFunction f).

public static void doFunc(Collection c, IFunction f) {
   for (Object o : c) {

As an example say we have a collection of numbers and you would like to add 1 to every element.

CollectionUtils2.doFunc(List numbers, new IFunction() {
    public void execute(Object o) {
       Integer anInt = (Integer) o;