How to save the current Xorg configuration to Xorg.conf?

Solution 1:

You would need to start nvidia configuration tool with the proper permissions (elevated as root) if you can sudo you ca do gksu nvidia-settings from the Dash run command mode which you can access by pressing alt+F2 or from a command line. From there you would be able to use the nvidia settings panel to save to an xorg.conf file.

Make sure you backup the file that you have working now, so that if you make a mistake and your interface isn't working any more you can replace the bad file with the good one. You can backup or edit the file manually by using the terminal to go to /etc/X11/ in there you will find the xorg.conf file. Again, you need root permissions which you can activate by using sudo, you can do sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup1 to rename the file in the command line. you can do the same, but reverse the names to name it back. You can open the file for editing with a program like vim or pico by typing sudo pico xorg.conf granted that you are in the /etc/X11 folder.

You then have to restart the xserver which you can do by loging out of your account and logging back in, or type in unity in the terminal, which is the same as unity --replace, that should restart your X11.