Chinese fonts are not visible in programs installed in Wine

I have installed Wine on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. When I run any program containing Chinese fonts, it shows some box type structure.

Tried: update, installing Chinese fonts in Ubuntu, adding Chinese language under system settings. None of them worked.

First, u must download wqy-microhei.ttc font online (

After saving this Regedit file on pc (

Font file copy to wine folder under C: drive folder, under Windows folder, under Font (/home/YOURUSERNAME/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts)

If you cant see the .wine folder, enter any folder and push keyboard Ctrl+H (show/hide the hidden folder)

And the last one you have downloaded regedit file. Steps:

  1. Download winetricks (sudo apt-get install winetricks)
  2. Open wine tricks app
  3. First screen select 'Select the default wineprefix' and click OK (go to next)
  4. Select the option to 'Run regedit'. You will see the windows registry editor screen.
  5. Click on bar 'Registry > Import Registry File'
  6. Select downloaded registry file and import.
  7. Finish!

I hope it helps you. I also use some software that has Chinese font. Wine doesn't support some distro maybe.