how to add querystring values with RedirectToAction method?

Solution 1:

Any values that are passed that aren't part of the route will be used as querystring parameters:

return this.RedirectToAction
  ("myActionName", new { value1 = "queryStringValue1" });

Would return:


Assuming there's no route parameter named "value1".

Solution 2:

For people like me who were looking to add the CURRENT querystring values to the RedirectToAction, this is the solution:

var routeValuesDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
Request.QueryString.AllKeys.ForEach(key => routeValuesDictionary.Add(key, Request.QueryString[key]));
routeValuesDictionary.Add("AnotherFixedParm", "true");
RedirectToAction("ActionName", "Controller", routeValuesDictionary);

The solution as you can see is to use the RouteValueDictionary object