Is there any difference between "!=" and "<>" in Oracle Sql?

I would like to know if there are any differences in between the two not equal operators <> and != in Oracle.

Are there cases where they can give different results or different performance?

Solution 1:

No there is no difference at all in functionality.
(The same is true for all other DBMS - most of them support both styles):

Here is the current SQL reference:

The SQL standard only defines a single operator for "not equals" and that is <>

Solution 2:

Actually, there are four forms of this operator:


and even

¬= -- worked on some obscure platforms in the dark ages

which are the same, but treated differently when a verbatim match is required (stored outlines or cached queries).

Solution 3:

At university we were taught 'best practice' was to use != when working for employers, though all the operators above have the same functionality.