Google Docs: How to backup periodically?

How do I periodically backup my entire online documents in Google Docs? I am looking for a tool that can download the documents to my PC. I do not need any kind of two-way synchronization, just plain one-way backup.

(I am using Windows. Feel free to suggest options for other OSes too.)

Solution 1:

This was covered on Lifehacker:

Back up your Google Apps data

If you've jumped on the online word processing and spreadsheets bandwagon, you've probably already got a lot of docs on Google's servers (I know I do). By default, backing up those files means you'd need to download them one at a time, which is quite frankly a tedious waste of time.

Instead, Firefox users can back up all or select chunks of Google Docs and Spreadsheet files in various formats (including MS Office or Open Office formats, PDF, plain text, or CSV) in one fell swoop using the Google Docs Download Greasemonkey script. This solution requires a little diligence on your part (you'll need to regularly back up the docs yourself), but the Google Docs Download script makes the process fairly painless.

Solution 2:

I found GDocBackup and it is working quite well for my purposes right now.

Thanks to everyone who suggested other options.

Solution 3:

Google Docs Backup from Google Enterprise Marketplace

Solution 4:

There is a Python script where you can choose output format. It simply downloads ans converts you documents and puts them in a directory.