Map implementation with duplicate keys

You are searching for a multimap, and indeed both commons-collections and Guava have several implementations for that. Multimaps allow for multiple keys by maintaining a collection of values per key, i.e. you can put a single object into the map, but you retrieve a collection.

If you can use Java 5, I would prefer Guava's Multimap as it is generics-aware.

We don't need to depend on the Google Collections external library. You can simply implement the following Map:

Map<String, ArrayList<String>> hashMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList>();

public static void main(String... arg) {
   // Add data with duplicate keys
   addValues("A", "a1");
   addValues("A", "a2");
   addValues("B", "b");
   // View data.
   Iterator it = hashMap.keySet().iterator();
   ArrayList tempList = null;

   while (it.hasNext()) {
      String key =;             
      tempList = hashMap.get(key);
      if (tempList != null) {
         for (String value: tempList) {
            System.out.println("Key : "+key+ " , Value : "+value);

private void addValues(String key, String value) {
   ArrayList tempList = null;
   if (hashMap.containsKey(key)) {
      tempList = hashMap.get(key);
      if(tempList == null)
         tempList = new ArrayList();
   } else {
      tempList = new ArrayList();

Please make sure to fine tune the code.