Is there a phrase for not arguing about taste?

In Hebrew there is a phrase that roughly translates:

On taste and smell there is no point in arguing.

This is of course because both are very subjective.
Is there an English phrase that passes the same sentiment? (That it is senseless to debate tastes).


  1. Every man to his taste: Prov. Everyone likes something different, and you should not condemn people because of what they like. (Can be used to remark that someone's tastes are different from yours, as in the first example.)
  2. There's no accounting for taste: Prov. You cannot blame different people because they like different things, even if you do not understand why they like what they like.
  3. Tastes differ: Prov. Different people like different things.
  4. One man's meat is another man's poison: Prov. Something that one person likes may be distasteful to someone else.
  5. To each his own / Each to his own: Every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences and tastes.

There's also a related (but crude) phrase, "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.", which is well known.

I am reminded of the phrases: "In matters of taste, there can be no disputes" or "There must not be debate concerning tastes".

Both these phrases are the translation of the Latin saying de gustibus non est disputandum. It implies that taste is a matter of opinion in which there is no right or wrong, thus its not subject to be debated.