Ansible command ignore creates

Solution 1:

One very basic solution. In your task:

- name: Do command optionally ignoring create option
    cmd: touch /tmp/toto.txt
    creates: "{{ ignore_creates | default(false) | bool | ternary('', '/tmp/toto.txt') | default(omit, true) }}"

Then you can launch your playbook with the the extra var -e ignore_creates=true to force the task to run even if the file exists. Removing the extra var in your command will turn the condition on again.

Solution 2:

Repeating expressions can be a practical sometimes, don't try too hard to comply to DRY. Although you can reuse an expression with variables.

- name: Testing creates parameter
  hosts: localhost
    # Long expression for reuse in command tasks
    # Special value "omit" can be returned
    # from any expression, including ternary filter
    creates: "{{ ignore_creates | default(false) | bool | ternary(omit, creates_file) }}"

  - name: Do command optionally ignoring create option
      cmd: touch {{ creates_file }}
      creates: "{{ creates }}"
      # Task level var to for use in the creates expression
      # Still a lot of typing, 
      # but perhaps you don't want to retype the filter
      ignore_creates: false
      creates_file: /tmp/ansiblecreatestest.txt

  - command:
      cmd: touch {{ creates_file }}
      creates: "{{ creates }}"
      ignore_creates: true
      creates_file: /tmp/ansiblecreatestest.txt

Writing fancy logic into the playbook, wrapping more generic modules, will get tedious and repetitive whatever you do.

Instead, consider writing a custom module to run the commands. Write the logic for when the commands need to be re-run into the module.