What to do with unmarried kinswomen?

It wouldn't help with claims, but you could use your gold to invite a nobleman to your court (through the intrigue menu), and then have your kinswomen marry them. This way you get a noble plus the offspring of their marriage, which can help if you are short on potential council members.

It will be difficult to lure men to marry matrilineally, especially if they have any sort of claims. They won't want to marry your unimportant kinswoman, and there is a base reluctance to the marriage anyway. Hover over the "No" message to see what factors are preventing the marriage, and how close you are to success.

  1. Find a title you want.
  2. Go to claimants.
  3. See if any male claimants want to join your court, maybe bribe him.
  4. Matrilineairly marry him to your kinswoman wen he arrives at your court. You might have to kill his wife and any offspring.
  5. Now you can press his claim or let your kin inherit the claim.