autodiscover for 2 completly different domains

Solution 1:

How did you add the domain to your email addresses? By Email Address Policy or alternative UPN suffix?

Do you get any internal/external hostnames related with the domain if you perform an E-mail AutoConfiguration test in Outlook?

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Besides, based on the result in the Outlook, make sure the SCP and internal/external URLs/Hostnames of virtual directories aren't pointing to the domain, you could run the following commands in the EMS to see that:

Get-OabVirtualDirectory | fl Identity, server, *Auth*, InternalURL, ExternalURL
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl Identity, server, *Auth*, InternalURL, ExternalURL 
Get-OutlookAnywhere | fl Identity, server, *Auth*, InternalHostName, ExternalHostName 
Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | fl Identity, server, *Auth*, InternalURL, ExternalURL 
Get-ClientAccessService | fl Identity, Name, AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri 
Get-EcpVirtualDirectory| fl Identity, server, *Auth*, InternalURL, ExternalURL 
Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory | fl Identity, server, *Auth*, InternalURL, ExternalURL
Get-MapiVirtualDirectory | fl Identity, server, *Auth*, InternalURL, ExternalURL 
Get-PowerShellVirtualDirectory | fl Identity, server, *Auth*, InternalURL, ExternalURL