Comment/uncomment a block of code in NetBeans shortcut

Is there a shortcut in NetBeans to highlight a block of code and comment/uncomment it?

Solution 1:

Try this combination in the Netbeans Editor: ctrl + shift + c

Solution 2:

The list of keyboard shortcuts can be found in the NetBeans Wiki.

Turn On/Off Search Result highlights

Alt + Shift + H

Add/remove comment. Should work for all languages

Ctrl + / or in mac + /

Solution 3:

An IDE independent trick (that works for all languages in the C/Java/C++/C# family) I found to comment/uncomment blocks of code fast is the following:

int a = 5;
int b = 2;
if(a < b) {
    int t = a;
    a = b;
    b = t;
System.out.println("a: "+a);

Say you want to comment and uncomment the if block frequently. You can use the //* and //*/ markers. You comment the block by removing one / in the //* part. Thus:

int a = 5;
int b = 2;
if(a < b) {
    int t = a;
    a = b;
    b = t;
System.out.println("a: "+a);

Why this works

In case the first line reads //*, it is interpreted as // *, thus you comment the * and don't comment the remainder of the block. The //*/ is ignored as well since it is interpreted as // */.

In case the first line reads /*, it is interpreted as the start of a comment block. Java searches for the corresponding end which is // */ (the // is ignored).

Solution 4:

In mac, it is more stable to use command+shift+c. Sometimes, command+/ could be usable but not so stable.

Solution 5:

Also, to have a whole block commented, can be useful the rectangular selection trick as a single "null column" rectangle where we can add any comment character we like (eg. an hash or a slash):

enter image description here

The shortcut in Mac is Ctrl+Shift+R as explained in this thread.

To return to the normal selection just repeat the same shortcut.