How to start setInterval loop immediately? [duplicate]

In a simple setInterval

setInterval(function() {
      // Do something every 9 seconds
}, 9000);

The first action will happen after 9 seconds (t=9s). How to force the loop to perform the first action immediately (t=0)?

I think it is due to the mechanism of setInterval to have Delay - Action - Delay - Action ... loop; instead of Action - Delay - Action - Delay ... loop.

EDIT: My function is indeed a loop as

    var duration = 1000;
    Some stuff here
}, 4000);

Keep it simple. You can use a named function instead of an anonymous function; call it and set an interval for it.

function doSomething() {
setInterval(doSomething, 9000);

Create a scope if necessary:

(function() {
    function doSomething() {
    setInterval(doSomething, 9000);

Finally, the following works without creating or affecting x:

setInterval(function x() {
    return x;
}(), 9000);

Sometimes I use this pattern...

(function me() {
    // Do something every 9 seconds

    setTimeout(me, 9000);

It's not quite the same, as it will wait until the do something is executed before waiting ~9 seconds to call it again. But, this is often useful so events on the event queue do not stack up needlessly (however unlikely it is some code will take 9 seconds to run :)

Note that in older IEs, the me will leak to the outside scope.