Why does mongoose always add an s to the end of my collection name

Solution 1:

Mongoose is trying to be smart by making your collection name plural. You can however force it to be whatever you want:

var dataSchema = new Schema({..}, { collection: 'data' })

Solution 2:

API structure of mongoose.model is this:

Mongoose#model(name, [schema], [collection], [skipInit])

What mongoose do is that, When no collection argument is passed, Mongoose produces a collection name by pluralizing the model name. If you don't like this behavior, either pass a collection name or set your schemas collection name option.


var schema = new Schema({ name: String }, { collection: 'actor' });


schema.set('collection', 'actor');


var collectionName = 'actor'
var M = mongoose.model('Actor', schema, collectionName);

Solution 3:

Starting from mongoose 5.x you can disable it completely:


Solution 4:

You can simply add a string as a third argument to define the actual name for the collection. Extending your examples, to keep names as data and user respectively:

var Dataset = mongoose.model('data', dataSchema, 'data');

var User = mongoose.model('user', dataSchema, 'user');