In the Aria: Eclipse mission, what can I do besides releasing that crazy woman from jail?

Solution 1:

You can find her second-in-command, a salarian named Sayn on level D2: Docks: Holding Area of the Citadel. He is in area 5: Cargo Hold: A. If you talk to him, you can convince him to take over as leader of Eclipse and you will gain his support.

Solution 2:

You may have to wait for a patch or correction code, as I'm doing now.

I agreed with your assessment of the prisoner and made the same choice.

Unfortunately, the solution involving Sayn appears to have a glitch and may not work.

I successfully convinced him to assume leadership and he happily left the cargo area, but Aria knows nothing about it and Bailey thinks I've never spoken to Sadaris, asking me to come back after I've done so.