Accidentally replaced notify-osd with xfce-notifyd, how do I fix it?

I have recently fall into this problem. The other answer didn't help me much. But thanks to the answerer above, I found the package name for that quickly.

I did this to solve my problem:

  1. Opening a terminal and executing this command:

    gksu gedit /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.xfce.xfce4-notifyd.Notifications.service
  2. Then replace the line:


    with this one:


    Or, if on Ubuntu 16.04:

  3. Save and exit.

Problem solved.

As an extra benefit, I get the nice notify-osd in XFCE too.

Ok Found the problem and fixed it.

After installing Xubuntu-desktop along for some testing I did, xfce-notifyd (Xfce notification daemon) replaced notify-osd (Gnome Notify Daemon) and probably removed the ubuntu-desktop metapackage too.

Uninstalling the package xfce-notifyd , resolved the issue. Now notifications are back to normal.

Thanks for your interest.

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