How can I disable the eclipse server startup timeout?

By default when using a webapp server in Eclipse Web Tools, the server startup will fail after a timeout of 45 seconds. I can increase this timeout in the server instance properties, but I don't see a way to disable the timeout entirely (useful when debugging application startup). Is there a way to do this?

Solution 1:

enter image description here In Eclipse Indigo, you can edit the default timeout by double-clicking on the server in the "servers" view and changing the timeout for start (see graphic). Save your changes, and you're good to go!

Solution 2:

  1. On the EclipseIDE, double click on the server
  2. Admin panel opens up, click on the "Timeouts" tab
  3. Put larger value in the "Start (in seconds)", may be 1800
  4. Restart/Start the server

If everything is okay, the server should start.