find common items across multiple lists in C#
Solution 1:
Assuming you use a version of .Net that has LINQ, you can use the Intersect extension method:
var CommonList = TestList1.Intersect(TestList2)
Solution 2:
If you have lists of objects and want to get the common objects for some property then use;
var commons = TestList1.Select(s1 => s1.SomeProperty).ToList().Intersect(TestList2.Select(s2 => s2.SomeProperty).ToList()).ToList();
Note: SomeProperty refers to some criteria you want to implement.
Solution 3:
Assuming you have LINQ available. I don't know if it's the fastest, but a clean way would be something like:
var distinctStrings = TestList1.Union(TestList2).Distinct();
var distinctStrings = TestList1.Union(TestList2);
Update: well never mind my answer, I've just learnt about Intersect as well!
According to an update in the comments, Unions apply a distinct, which makes sense now that I think about it.