Division in Java always results in zero (0)? [duplicate]

The function below gets two values from sharedpreferences, weight and height, and I use these to calculate the BMI, When I print the content of the values I get the values i have entered in the sharedprefs ( which is good) but then when i run a division operation on them, I always get 0 as a result.. Where is the error?

public int computeBMI(){
    SharedPreferences customSharedPreference = getSharedPreferences(
            "myCustomSharedPrefs", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);

    String Height = customSharedPreference.getString("heightpref", "");
    String Weight = customSharedPreference.getString("weightpref", "");

    int weight = Integer.parseInt(Weight);
    int height = Integer.parseInt(Height);
    Toast.makeText(CalculationsActivity.this, Height+" "+ Weight , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    int bmi = weight/(height*height);
    return bmi;


You're doing integer division.

You need to cast one operand to double.

You are doing an integer division, cast the values to float and change the datatype of the variable bmi to float.

Like this:

float bmi = (float)weight/(float)(height*height);

You should also change the return type of your method public int computeBMI() to float.

I recommend you to read this stackoverflow question.

Here you have a list of the Primitive Data Types in Java with its full description.

Hope it helps!