update kernel version that higher then next rhel update

Per the KB article you linked, kernel-3.10.0-1127.el7 is a RHEL 7.8 kernel. Upgrade to the latest RHEL 7, currently 7.9, rather than 7.6.

Freezing this minor version is causing technical debt. Most obviously, a kernel version you want that is in a later release.

Further, the support of older versions is limited. You would need to purchase extended update support to keep critical updates going. However, only extends a given minor version for a few more months; 7.2 has long since lapsed. And this particular issue might not be backported anyway. In contrast, your support would be happy to help with keeping things functional on an updated system.

For reference, the upstream kernel commits in question are

$ git describe --contains df430b124
$ git describe --contains a1df906