Nginx redirect to URL with #

I want e.g. be redirected by nginx to However, in nginx config files # is used for comments

Is it possible? What should I write to the nginx config so it will work?

Does not work

server {
    location /to/redirect {

The # character is not processed as start of the comment being a part of some string, e.g. However it is processed as start of the comment being prepended with space, {, } or ; characters (not sure this is a full list). To prevent it from being processed that way you need to quote your strings:

set $test 123#456;     # $test variable value is '123#456'
set $test 123;#456;    # $test variable value is '123', #456 treated as the comment
set $test "123;#456";  # $test variable value is '123;#456'
set $test '123;#456';  # $test variable value is '123;#456'

Usually there is no need to quote the string in nginx config (unless it contains a space or some other special character like {, } etc.), but you are always free to do it, meaning the lines



return "";

are completely equal.