Make exception to whole-site RedirectMatch rule

Any reason you don't want to use mod_rewrite?

You could mimic the functionality with this:

RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/(somepath|someotherpath)
RewriteRule  (.*)                       $1                        [R=permanent]
RewriteRule  http://%{SERVER_NAME}(.*)$1  [L]

I hadn't realized Apache uses PCRE. Since it does, you can do this bit of voodoo to do what you want with mod_alias:

RedirectMatch permanent ^/?((?!(thisisfoo|thisisbar)).*)$1

where /thisisfoo and /thisisbar are exceptions to the redirect.

According to the documentation (at, Redirects are proccessed in the order they are encountered. So you would want to put your more restrictive rule first, and then have your catch-all rule at the end.

I landed here before I found correct answer for my situation, so I'm adding my solution for reference.

I needed to redirect everything except two folders, I'm calling them files1 and files2 in the example below:

RedirectMatch permanent "^(/(?!(files1/|files2/)).*)"$1

Likewise word permanent can be replaced by 301 which is essentially the same ("permanent" in HTTP code), or with 302 (which means temporary redirect).