How to stop Chrome’s "Google Chrome wants to use your confidential information stored in your keychain." question?

Solution 1:

That is many questions all in one. In order to manage our search engine, we prefer to have 1 question at the time.

1) I'd prefer Chrome to save the credentials in its own storage, instead sharing one with Safari. 2) If not, I'd rather it to not ask me about that. 3) Failing that, it should at least give me the right credentials.

To prevent the pop up is done with granting the Access Control in the key-chain.

Here is a sample:

Open the relevant key chain item and click on access control.

key chain access control

Add and allow Google Chrome to use it.

Solution 2:

I encountered some trouble like yours, There always pop-up this message when start .

So, I had solved it by delete all items of navicat in 'keychain Access'

enter image description here