How can I rotate my images directly from the finder?

I would like to rotate my images directly from the Finder.

The best would be one of these:

  • a button to click in the menu bar of every Finder's window
  • a button to click in Quicklook

But, if it can be done with a keyboard-shorcut, it would be fine also.

Is one of these features possible? And if yes, how can I do?

Solution 1:

Yes - you can use Automator to make a service for Finder (or all applications) to perform rotation of images. Then you can assign a keyboard shortcut to that action.

enter image description here

I'm not aware of quicklook plug-in that rotate, but that's something that might exist. Modifying finder's shortcut bar might be the least likely way to activate things, but hopefully an Automator service (or app / droplet) will do.

Solution 2:

In Mojave press +A, then right click > Quick Actions > Rotate Left.

This has the side effect of updating the icon on the Finder.