Solution 1:

Winamp with AjaxAmp installed

Using any web browser on the network you can control the music playing on the central computer, queue stuff up etc, control volume, play / pause etc. Should do everything you want.

The homepage seems to talk a fair bit about its ability to also stream the music FROM the central computer TO any local computer, I understand this isn't what you want so dont let it put you off - it does do what you're asking for also.

Winamp -

AjaxAmp -

Solution 2:

We have an office of 11 designers using Squeezebox server. This is free from Logitech and is used to drive their network music boxes, but it can also be used to drive a "soft" music player installed on one PC in the office.

All users can do the following:

  • add to a web playlist
  • add and delete tracks
  • fast forward
  • shuffle
  • etc.

They can also pause and control the volume for when the phone rings (the most important bit). We have a database of thousands of CDs loaded over the years, together with a subscription to Napster that allows us access to millions more tracks.

We've tried all sorts of other solutions over the years, but this one works...

Solution 3:

Have look at Jinzora Media Server.