How to owerwrite directory with tar?

I want to extract files with tar so that the whole directory will be owerwritten. I added --overwrite-dir but still old files in test dir remains. For the test, I have /home/ubuntu/f1/test/first.log and /home/ubuntu/f2/test/second.log

Then I run in /home/ubuntu/f1

tar cvf - ./test | sudo tar -C /home/ubuntu/f2 --overwrite-dir -xvf -

And with ls /home/ubuntu/f2/test expect to see only second.log file. But instead I get both. Is it possible to do just with tar?

The parameter you are looking for is --recursive-unlink

--recursive-unlink empty hierarchies prior to extracting directory

tar  cf - ./test | sudo  tar  -C /home/ubuntu/f2 --overwrite-dir --recursive-unlink -xf -