"The site's security certificate is not trusted!" on every SSL page?

What's the date and time set to on your computer? If it's significantly behind or ahead then certificates will fail validation as being not yet valid or expired.

You may also want to check that you have the latest trusted root certificates installed.

Check your BIOS / CMOS watch battery It needs to be replaced most likely

I don't know anything about Chrome internals, but it seems to me like you may not have any certificate authorities loaded.

Certificates work as a hierarchy of trust. If I trust a certificate, I trust all the certificates the trusted certificate has signed. However, I need to trust something in order to start this chain.

Browsers normally contain certificates from certificate authorities the browser supplier thinks you should trust (like Verisign, for example), and browsers normally flag certificates that don't inherit from one of those pre-approved certificates as untrusted.

Since you're using a dev build, it's likely that nobody made sure there would be certificates pre-loaded. Check your instructions to see if you missed a step involving certificates, or check the Chrome site to see if there's a certificate file.