Ubuntu 18 - how to ungroup apps in dock?

I want to make Ubuntu dock like Windows taskbar


enter image description here


enter image description here

(as you see Windows has three Explorer icons and Ubuntu has only one Files icon

Is it possible to uncombine/ungroup apps in Ubuntu?

To mimic the Windows taskbar, install the extension "Dash to Panel". It immediately provides a Windows style bar at the bottom of the screen. It has plenty of configuration options, including the option you are after, i.e., ungrouping application buttons. 'Dash to Panel" is an excellent extension.

in Ubuntu 20.04,

Install gnome tweaks and dash to panel extension
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel
Then, restart PC/Laptop.

  1. Open Tweaks -> go to Extensions
  2. Enable Dash to panel
  3. In Dash to panel -> click Settings Icon
  4. In Behavior tab, enable Ungroup applications
  5. In Ungroup applications -> click Settings Icon
  6. Set Maximum width -> 0 (zero)

Dash to panel: Dash to panel

Ungroup Applications: Ungroup Applications

Hide label: Hide label

Thanks to @vanadium and @moony

There is a taskbar extension available.

Unfortunately, the development of that extension was halted on 15 december. However, Dash to Panel fully covers the functionality of Taskbar.