Trouble turning on bluetooth in 12.04

Found an easier solution than reseting BIOS!

sudo hciconfig hci0 reset

bluetooth was enabled on ubuntu 12.04.

I could do file transfer between Nexus7 and my laptop. but nexus7 stopped playing music and laptop started playing music!

I've got the same issue, and it turned out that Bluetooth was turned off in windows... If you use both windows and ubuntu on the same machine, try this command:

rfkill list all

If it says that Bluetooth is soft blocked then try to enable it on windows and then check again if it works on ubuntu also.

I got this problem since I installed 12.04. I have tried many ways to install bluetooth, then changing if my bluetooth is soft blocked or not, then reinstall my bluetooth software on Ubuntu I had done it all.

But I found the BEST WAY to enable bluetooth with:

  1. Restart your Ubuntu

  2. Go to BIOS program (through Del or F2 - its optional based on your computer)

  3. Set the BIOS to 'reset to factory setting' usually using F9 or else its based on your type of BIOS

  4. Startup, then go to your bluetooth you will found that your bluetooth wont disabled again.

Good luck.