How to run iPhone emulator WITHOUT starting Xcode?

On my old Mac running Snow Leopard, I could type "ios" into spotlight and it would start up the iPhone/iPad emulator by itself.

I have since had to get a new machine running Lion. I have installed Xcode for Lion, I have installed the developer tool options from the preferences panel.

But the "ios" option is no longer there :( The only way now seems to be to run Xcode, create an empty project and then launch emulator with the run option.

I have searched and searched the intertubes and the facewebs, but nothing helps.

Does anyone know how to run only the emulator on Lion?

UPDATE: THIS IS RESPONSE TO @ike_love thread below. THAT answer is not assured to work on all Yosemite machines.

enter image description here

Assuming you have Xcode installed in /Applications, then you can do this from the command line to start the iPhone Simulator:

$ open /Applications/\

(Xcode 6+):

$ open /Applications/

You could create a symbolic-link from your Desktop to make this easier:

$ ln -s /Applications/\ ~/Desktop

(Xcode 6+):

$ ln -s /Applications/ ~/Desktop

As pointed out by @JackHahoney, you could also add an alias to your ~/.bash_profile:

$ alias simulator='open /Applications/‌​veloper/Applications/iPhone\'

(Xcode 6+):

$ alias simulator='open /Applications/\'

(Xcode 7+):

$ alias simulator='open /Applications/'

Which would mean you could start the iPhone Simulator from the command line with one easy-to-remember word:

$ simulator

The easiest way without fiddling with command line:

  1. launch Xcode once.
  2. run ios simulator
  3. drag the ios simulator icon to dock it.

Next time you want to use it, just click on the ios simulator icon in the dock.