How to uninstall DBeaver?

I download Dbeaver from the site, the Enterprise Edition and installed it using

sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-ee_5.0.1_amd64.deb

now I have tried uninstalling/removing it using the bellow commands

sudo dpkg -r dbeaver-ee_5.0.1_amd64


sudo apt-get remove dbeaver 

as suggested in some sites,but I get error messages as

warning: ignoring request to remove dbeaver-ee_5.0.1_amd64 which isn't installed


Package 'dbeaver' is not installed, so not removed

the dbeaver exists in


Solution 1:

I had dbeaver-ce_xxx, and I tried both of:

sudo dpkg --purge dbeaver
sudo dpkg --purge dbeaver-ce_xxx

Both got the same result. It was not removed.

However, if (also per Aditya's suggestion) I tried just:

sudo dpkg --purge dbeaver-ce

Then it was removed.

Granted, I had to remove some folders under /usr/share/dbeaver, but that was only because I had put some files there that were not in the original installation.

Just a data point. Maybe it will help with dbeaver-ee.

Solution 2:

I did it with running command:

sudo dpkg -r dbeaver-ce

Note: I have run this from the same directory where i have run

sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-ce_6.2.3_amd64.deb

Solution 3:

I had to uninstall it with snap using the following command

snap remove dbeaver-ce

Solution 4:

You can use below commands

dpkg --purge package_name

--purge will remove all configuration files.

Updated : You can remove the package file in director /var/lib/dpkg/info/ and update source.

rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/[package_name].*
dpkg --configure -a
apt-get update

Then, reinstall your package:

You can read this.