Everything is so small in Ubuntu 20.04 running in Thinkpad e14. Is it a driver issue?

Solution 1:

  1. 'st option: press meta(windows logo), then type settings, press Enter. Click Universal access. Togle Large text on. It will enlarge everything immediately.
  2. 'nd option: install gnome-tweaks. Open terminal window by pressing Ctrl+Alt+t. Run command sudo apt install gnome-tweaks. Run gnome-tweaks: press meta(windows logo), then type tweaks, press Enter. Click "Fonts". There you will be able to fine-tune font sizes, even scaling factor. Change whatever you like, then logout and login again to apply changes.

Solution 2:

You will need to enable fractional scaling in Ubuntu.

  1. Open display settings. activities-display

  2. Enable fractional scaling, and choose the value (e.g. 125% or 150% or something else) that works best for you (you can try one by one).
