How to install openjfx along with openjdk-11?

I am trying to use openjdk-11 on ubuntu, but my project requires javafx.

There is an openjfx package but it installs alognside with openjdk-8.

So far I only found instructions to build both openjdk and openjfx from scratch.

Any easier way?

Edit: openjdk-11 comes without javafx/openjfx by default.

Solution 1:

First, install OpenJFX:

sudo apt install openjfx

You can then add these arguments to any java invocation:

--module-path /usr/share/openjfx/lib --add-modules=javafx.base,javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,,,javafx.swing,javafx.web

Solution 2:

I figured it out:

You have to download the latest build from the openjfx web site an run as described here:

It seems to have gtk3 enabled by default wich did not seem as stable as gtk2. So for now I have decided to stick with oracle 10 jdk and wait for openjfx to mature and have maven packages.